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Mad Rock Drifter Climbing Shoes
  • Mad Rock Drifter Climbing Shoes



    Mad Rock’s Drifter is a low-cut shoe engineered especially for male climbers. The foot is expected to contort inward in it as its interior has a slight asymmetry or curve. With time and regular use, its leather upper will stretch. Mad Rock engineers gave the shoe a 3D-molded rearfoot reinforcement for a more intimate fit around the heel. The Drifter’s two-strap closure provides lockdown personalization.


    The Mad Rock Drifter has enough convincing qualities to woo in climbers unfamiliar with the brand. It is a solid option if you:

    • Prefer a climbing shoe that makes ascents as pleasant and reassuring as possible
    • Prefer a climbing shoe that provides sufficient forefoot traction and underfoot slip resistance, respectively.



      ฿3,600.00 일반가

      가능한 태국:
      주소: 103/4 Moo 4 - 코팡안, 태국

      세금 ID: 0845565002713

      가능한 브라질:
      주소: Av. 노바 인디펜데시아, 37세 - 브루클린

      상파울루 - 브라질

      가능한 중국:
      주소: 단제진 다모위촌
      시산 디스트랙트, 쿤밍 - 중국

      가능한 포르투갈:
      주소: 2305-314 Tomar, Portugal

      가능한 코스타리카:
      주소: Calle 35-37
      산호세, 11501 - 코스타리카

      가능한 미국:
      3099 E 리지우드 LN
      길버트 - 애리조나

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