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Register Your Child for Able  Camps - The Ultimate Nature-Based Learning & Adventure. A life changing experience!

Sign up your child for an unforgettable experience at Able Summer Camp!


Our nature-based programs inspire creativity, foster emotional development, and promote hands-on learning through fun outdoor activities. Register today to provide your child with a meaningful and educational summer adventure!

Camper / Participant Birthday

Passport Issuing Country

Which Camp [or Camps] would you like to join?

If you want the name in a different Language/Alphabet, copy and past here. Note: If you want the Name writen in Japanese, Korean, Chinese or Thai Alphabet our team will copy and paste this field to the certificate. Make sure there is no Typo, we charge an extra fee of 100 THB for printing a new certificate.

Please, write here anything related to special needs: Allergies (Food, Environmental, Medication)

  • Dietary Restrictions or Preferences

  • Medical Conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes)

  • Medications (Name, Dosage, Frequency)

If your child has health insurance, please include the Name of the Insurance Provider and the Registration Number. Example: Allianz Insurance Inc. | 123456-7

Select T-shirt Size
Kids 90cm Height - Small - S
Kids 100cm Height - Medium - M
Kids 110cm Height - Large - L
Kids 120cm Height - Extra Large - XL
Kids 130cm Height - 2 Extra Large - 2XL
Kids 140cm Height - 3 Extra Large - 3XL
Kids 150cm Height - 4 Extra Large - 4XL
Male - Teens / Adults 155-160 cm Height - Small - S
Male - Teens / Adults 160-165 cm Height - Medium - M
Male - Teens / Adults 165-170 cm Height - Large - L
Male - Teens / Adults 170-175 cm Height - Extra Large - XL
Male - Teens / Adults 175-180 cm Height - 2 Extra Large - 2XL
Male - Teens / Adults 180-185 cm Height - 3 Extra Large - 3XL
Female - Teens / Adults 150-155 cm Height - Woman Small - WS
Female - Teens / Adults 155-165 cm Height - Woman Medium - WM
Female - Teens / Adults 165-170 cm Height - Woman Large - WL

가능한 태국:
주소: 103/4 Moo 4 - 코팡안, 태국

세금 ID: 0845565002713

가능한 브라질:
주소: Av. 노바 인디펜데시아, 37세 - 브루클린

상파울루 - 브라질

가능한 중국:
주소: 단제진 다모위촌
시산 디스트랙트, 쿤밍 - 중국

가능한 포르투갈:
주소: 2305-314 Tomar, Portugal

가능한 코스타리카:
주소: Calle 35-37
산호세, 11501 - 코스타리카

가능한 미국:
3099 E 리지우드 LN
길버트 - 애리조나

© 2024 able to regenerate Co. LTD. | AbleX Co. LTD | Alpha Sapiens LLC.

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